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You don’t like to train in the morning? Here are 5 reasons why those who train in the morning have a big advantage.

1) Your hormones are elevated. In the early morning upon rising, important hormones (such as testosterone) that help build muscle mass are at their highest levels they will be throughout the day. By training in the morning you are taking advantage of these natural hormones while they are at their peak.

2) It will set you up for the day. I know it’s winter and it’s hard to get out of bed, but it’s amazing what training on a cold morning will do for your day. It will significantly raise your body temperature enabling you to fend off the cold. Training in the morning will also increase your focus and make you more alert by the time you get into the office leading to increased productivity.

3) Exercise will boost your metabolic rate. Resistance and high intensity training will boost your metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories throughout the rest of the day.

4) Your mood will improve. Exercise releases endorphins that make us feel good. It will put you in a better mood for your day ahead.

5) You’ll be less likely to skip a workout. There are far fewer distractions and commitments at 6am. The after work drinks or your favourite TV show won’t stop you from coming in and training. Training in the morning will also leave you with more time to do what you enjoy after work.

See you in the morning team.

people working out in a group fitness class


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