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This weeks the Athlete Spotlight it on Zizi. Zizi’s desire and willingness to learn the intricacies of CrossFit and weightlifting is outstanding. The time she spends practicing the movements over and over again striving for perfection is what every coach loves to see. Well done Zizi and let’s find out a little more about you.

  1. Name

Zizi Sparks

  1. Length of time doing CrossFit

7 months 

  1. Tell us about a day in the life of you…

I work as a reporter at the North Shore Times during the day and shoot straight to the gym. I’ll watch the odd TV show after dinner.

  1. Tell us the story of how you started CrossFit, and your initial thoughts when considering CFNH?

I was first dragged along to a class at Kia Maia by a friend and hated it. It was thrusters and burpee box jumps. I didn’t even consider going back until about 6 months later when I really wanted to learn some Olympic lifts. CFNH dragged me in with the friendly and supportive environment and members.

  1. What was your first workout, and what was your reaction?

We had to do a 1RM back squat then the WOD was 40 KB Swings, 40 Over Bar burpees and 40 front squats. I remember thinking, I just did a 1RM and now you want me to do all that?!!

  1. If you could make up a WOD, what would it be?

I think it would probably include an Olympic lift, pull ups or toes to bar, and double unders because those are all things I want to get better at.

  1. Tell us an insider secret that no one would guess about you

My real name’s Zanna Zoe and I have a twin brother named Tyler Jason (TJ)

  1. Favourite cheat meal?

Anything sweet! Particularly caramel slice

  1. What’s one of your CrossFit goals?

A strict (un-banded) pull up. The jump from orange to nothing is just too much!

people working out in a group fitness class


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